What Is CryoSlimming?

What Is CryoSlimming? 

Are you looking for an effective way to slim down and eliminate stubborn fat without going under the knife? Cryoskin may be the best option for you!. This non-invasive treatment uses hot/cold massage techniques to help you quickly, safely, and effectively achieve your desired body goals. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly CryoSlimming is and how it works. 

How Do CryoSlimming Treatments Work? 

The CryoSlimming treatment uses a process called,  cryolipolysis (fat freezing) that destroys the fat cells. Your technician will use a handheld wand to warm the treated area for two minutes, bringing subcutaneous fat cells toward the skin’s surface. The skin is then rapidly cooled to 0º- -4Cº for 13 minutes, triggering cellular death (aka apoptosis) without harming the surrounding tissue. Over the next two weeks, your lymphatic system naturally flushes the destroyed fat cells through your lymphatic system. You may also feel more thirsty and have to pee more often.

With a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and water intake, clients see results much faster and feel great in the process. Being consistent with before and aftercare between treatments will provide long-lasting results.

Benefits of CryoSlimming Treatments

The main benefit of CryoSlimming is that it’s non-invasive and free from side effects. Unlike other treatments like liposuction or coolsculpting there’s no risk involved with Cryoskin treatments—just quick results that last! CryoSlimming can be performed in all areas of the body that contain pinchable fat except breast tissue. 

CryoSlimming treats are perfect for those who struggle with losing stubborn fat with diet and exercise alone. The best results are shown after a minimum of 6 treatments, being on a consistent treatment schedule combined with aftercare protocols such as, WBC, red light therapy, vibration and compression therapy have been shown to enhance and provide faster results.

Additional benefits may include radiant-looking skin, inch loss, and increased confidence! Sign up today


CryoSlimming is an excellent choice for those who want slimmer figures without surgery or invasive procedures. With just one 30-40 minute session, you can start seeing visible results with zero downtime making it an ideal choice for busy individuals who want fast results without taking too much time out of their day! If you’re looking for a simple and effective  way to slim down without risk or hassle, then CryoSlimming treatments may be just what you need! Give it a try today!