How Whole Body Cryotherapy Can Enhance Your Health

How Whole Body Cryotherapy Can Enhance Your Health

Have you heard about the new trend in health and wellness? It’s called Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) and it has been gaining a lot of attention due to its numerous health benefits. WBC is a type of treatment that uses extreme cold temperatures to stimulate the body’s responses, from increased circulation to improved range of motion in muscles and joints. Let’s take a deeper look into how WBC can enhance your health.


Full Range Of Motion In Muscles And Joints

Whole body cryotherapy can help increase your range of motion in both muscles and joints, allowing you to move more freely with less discomfort or stiffness. The extreme cold temperatures stimulate the body’s response, which helps reduce inflammation around the muscles and joints by reducing swelling. This makes it easier for you to move without feeling cramped or restricted.


Rejuvenates Body, Skin And Mind

WBC also helps rejuvenate your whole body, including your skin and mind. By exposing yourself to extreme cold temperatures, your body works hard to regulate its temperature, thus stimulating your metabolism and endorphins production. This helps improve blood flow and circulation throughout the body which can help soothe tired muscles, reduce stress levels, improve energy levels and make you feel more alert throughout the day. Your skin can also benefit from WBC because it can help improve elasticity while reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and blemishes.


Supports The Circulatory Response & Increased Blood And Lymphatic Flow

The extreme cold temperatures used during WBC treatments cause your blood vessels to constrict while increasing lymphatic drainage within the tissues. This helps flush out any stagnant blood that may have built up within muscle tissue which can cause discomfort or pain when triggered during exercise or daily activities. The increased lymphatic flow also helps detoxify your system by eliminating any toxins or waste products that may be sitting within the tissues for too long which can lead to inflammation or other issues if left untreated for too long.


Whole Body Cryotherapy is an effective way to enhance your overall health by providing several benefits such as increased range of motion in muscles and joints, improved circulation, reduced inflammation, increased lymphatic flow, better skin elasticity and improved mental clarity just to name a few! If you are looking for a natural way to improve your overall wellbeing then consider giving WBC a try -you won’t regret it!


Wanna know more? More info here!

US Cryotherapy | Understanding the Benefits of Cryotherapy 101

Whole Body Cryotherapy  (What You Need To Know Before You Try)

Whole body cryotherapy is a form of cryotherapy that exposes the entire body to sub-zero temperatures. The therapy is performed in a cryotherapy chamber, where the individual stands for 2-3 minutes while the refreshing temperatures stimulate the body’s natural healing processes.

Whole body cryotherapy is a modern treatment that uses sub-zero temperatures to activate the body’s natural healing processes. This non-invasive therapy has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits and quick results. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 potential benefits of whole body cryotherapy and what makes it a popular solution for a variety of health concerns.

  1. Pain Relief: Whole body cryotherapy may provide relief from various forms of pain, making it a popular choice for those seeking a natural and non-invasive solution for pain management. The cold temperatures used in the therapy have been suggested to stimulate the release of endorphins and natural painkillers.
  2. Improved Circulation: The sub-zero temperatures used in whole body cryotherapy may cause the blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, potentially leading to improved circulation and a boost in metabolism.
  3. Reduced Stress and Improved Mood: Whole body cryotherapy may have a positive impact on mental health, potentially reducing stress and improving mood. The therapy has been suggested to trigger the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, and reduce levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  4. Enhanced Physical Performance: Whole body cryotherapy has been suggested to enhance physical performance by reducing muscle soreness and improving recovery time. The therapy may stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, potentially allowing for a faster recovery after physical activity.
  5. Improved Skin Tone and Texture: The sub-zero temperatures used in whole body cryotherapy may stimulate blood flow to the skin, potentially leading to improved skin tone and texture. The therapy may also potentially reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the overall appearance of the skin.
  6. Boost in Collagen Production: Whole body cryotherapy may boost collagen production, which is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. The therapy may stimulate the body’s natural processes, potentially leading to a more youthful and radiant appearance.
  7. Reduced Inflammation: The sub-zero temperatures used in whole body cryotherapy may reduce inflammation throughout the body. This reduction in inflammation may potentially reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health.
  8. Boost in Metabolism: The improved circulation and reduction in inflammation caused by whole body cryotherapy may also potentially lead to a boost in metabolism. This boost in metabolism may potentially help to burn calories more efficiently and improve weight loss.
  9. Improved Sleep: Whole body cryotherapy has been suggested to improve sleep by reducing stress and anxiety. The therapy may trigger the release of endorphins, which may potentially improve sleep quality and reduce the risk of sleep disorders.
  10. Non-Invasive: Whole body cryotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any incisions or needles. The therapy is performed in a cryotherapy chamber, where the patient stands for 2-3 minutes while the sub-zero temperatures activate the body’s natural healing processes. With its quick and non-invasive nature, whole body cryotherapy may be a popular choice for those seeking a natural and effective solution for their health concerns.

The Power of Facial Rejuvenation 

The Power of Facial Rejuvenation 

At US Cryotherapy, we understand the importance of taking care of your skin. That’s why we offer Facial Rejuvenation treatments as a stand-alone service option or an add-on to the entire treatment experience. 

Our treatments target cellular activation and turn over, clearance of toxins, and enhance collagen activation for a fresh tightening look of radiance that you won’t find at other cryotherapy centers. 

How Does Facial Rejuvenation Work? 

Facial Rejuvenation is performed using our localized cryotherapy device on the face for 6-8 minutes. The gentle subzero air is applied without touching the skin, but penetrates to start microcirculation. This increased blood flow decreases puffiness, clears toxins, and stimulates the production of collagen. Not to mention the cold will decrease pore size and create a tightening of the skin. And you don’t have to remove your makeup!

It is recommended to begin with whole body cryotherapy in the chamber to get systemic effects that accentuate the benefits seen in the Facial Rejuvenation. 


Whether you’re looking for glowing skin or just want to relax, US Cryotherapy can provide you with exactly what you need! Our  treatments are designed to provide maximum results in minimal time so that you can get back to enjoying life without worrying about how you look. With results like enhanced collagen production, tighter skin, improved microcirculation and more – what are you waiting for? Book your appointment today!

Check and see if the US Cryotherapy near you offers this technology.

Vibration Plate Technology 

Vibration Plate Technology 

 At some of our cryotherapy centers we offer the latest in advanced vibration plate technology. This cutting-edge technology is used by top athletes and professionals to enhance soft tissue stimulation, activate the lymphatic system, and reduce joint stress. Through the use of vibration plates, athletes and professionals can achieve faster recovery times and eliminate muscle knots and cramps. 

What Is a Vibration Plate? 

A vibration plate is a specialized device that uses oscillating vibrations to stimulate muscles, joints, and the lymphatic system. This type of therapy has been used for decades as an effective tool for improving musculoskeletal conditions.. 

How Does It Work?  

Vibration plates work by creating high-speed oscillations that send waves throughout your body. These waves create small contractions in your muscles which help to increase blood flow and activate your lymphatic system. The increased circulation helps to flush out toxins from your body while also improving flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, this type of therapy can help to reduce swelling in joints by stimulating the lymphatic system’s ability to drain excess fluid from the area.  

Benefits of Using Vibration Plates  

The benefits of using vibration plate technology are numerous. Not only does it help athletes recover from injuries faster but it also helps them stay at peak performance levels longer than ever before.

Other benefits include improved circulation, enhanced flexibility and range of motion, reduced inflammation in joints, improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, improved balance & coordination skills, increased strength & endurance levels, increased range of motion in shoulders & hips, and decreased risk of developing osteoporosis or other bone density issues.  


Vibration plate technology is revolutionizing sports performance and rehabilitation all over the world. By utilizing high-speed vibrations to stimulate muscles and activate the lymphatic system this cutting-edge technology provides an array of benefits including improved circulation and joint health; enhanced flexibility and range of motion; reduction in inflammation; improved sleep quality; improved balance and coordination skills; increased strength and endurance levels; decreased risk of developing osteoporosis or other bone density issues; plus many more! 

If you’re looking for a way to maximize your performance or aid with rehabilitation efforts then consider trying vibration plate therapy today! Check and see if the US Cryotherapy near you offers this technology.

The Benefits of Hydro Massage Bed Therapy 

The Benefits of Hydro Massage Bed Therapy 

Have you ever heard of hydro massage bed therapy? It’s a great way to relax and rejuvenate the body. At some of our cryotherapy centers, we offer a private room with a novel state-of-the-art hydro massage bed. This is an incredibly comfortable warm waterbed that offers hands free massages with the use of water jets.. 

What Are the Benefits?

Not only does it provide relief from stress and toxins in the body, but it also helps to rejuvenate your body and mind. Hydro massage beds use warm pulsing water jets to provide deep relaxation that can help reduce muscle tension, improve circulation and increase flexibility.

This type of therapy has been shown to be beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain or fatigue as well as those looking for general relaxation. Due to its passive nature, it’s also great for those who are unable to receive traditional massages due to physical limitations or medical conditions. 


Hydro massage bed therapy is a fantastic way to relax, rejuvenate and heal your body while providing relief from stress and toxins. Its passive nature makes it perfect for those who have physical limitations or medical conditions that would prevent them from receiving traditional massages. 

Furthermore, the warm pulsing water jets can help reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve circulation. If you’re looking for a way to relax after a long day then consider giving it a try – you won’t regret it!

Check and see if the US Cryotherapy near you offers this technology.

What Is Cryoskin? 

What Is Cryoskin? 

Are you looking for an effective way to tone, lift and slim down without going under the knife? Look no further than Cryoskin. This non-invasive treatment uses hot/cold massage techniques to help you quickly, safely, and effectively achieve your desired body goals. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly Cryoskin is and how it works.

How Does Cryoskin Work? 

Depending on the desired area, the session lasts about 14-40 minutes. Cold temperatures are applied to the skin via a wand operated by a technician for manual treatments. Depending on the program selected, these cold temperatures will reduce inches, smooth skin, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. During the session, the client will experience pressure and cold, but the treatments are pain-free overall. Results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging, but multiple sessions are recommended for the best results. Plus, there is no downtime or recovery period!

With a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and water intake, clients see results much faster and feel great in the process. Being consistent with before and aftercare between treatments will provide long-lasting results.

Benefits of Cryoskin, 

The main benefit of Cryoskin is that it’s non-invasive and free from side effects. Unlike other treatments like liposuction or facelifts, which require surgery or injections, there’s no risk involved with Cryoskin treatments—just quick results that last! In addition to slimming, toning, and lifting your body, other benefits include reduced cellulite, radiant-looking skin, inch loss, and increased confidence!


Cryoskin is an excellent choice for those who want slimmer figures without resorting to surgery or invasive procedures. With just one 30-40 minute session, you can start seeing visible results with zero downtime making it an ideal choice for busy individuals who want fast results without taking too much time out of their day! If you’re looking for an easy way to slim down without risk or hassle, then Cryoskin treatments may be just what you need! Give it a try today!

Your Body’s Potential with Localized Cryotherapy 

Your Body’s Potential with Localized Cryotherapy 

What is Localized Cryotherapy (LC)? Have you ever felt like your body was stuck in a rut, unable to reach its full potential? If so, (LC) may be the answer. By utilizing cold temperatures on targeted areas of the body, localized cryotherapy helps increase blood flow and flush fluids more efficiently. Let’s explore how this revolutionary process can help you unleash your body’s potential. 

Flushes The Tissue Of Fluid And Waste

One of the primary benefits of (LC) is that it flushes tissues of fluids and waste rapidly. This allows for a more efficient healing process as both oxygen-rich blood and nutrients are delivered to the target area at an accelerated rate. With (LC), you can get back on your feet faster than ever before and experience a dramatic reduction in recovery time! 

Reducing Inflammation

Localized cryotherapy also helps reduce inflammation in targeted areas of the body. When cold temperatures are applied to inflamed areas, they constrict the blood vessels which moves away swelling and inflammation, allowing for greater mobility and flexibility. This makes it easier for you to move freely without worrying about pain or discomfort. 

Improving Range Of Motion

While it is reducing inflammation, it is also improving range of motion due to increased blood flow clearing the joints. This blood flow allows for greater flexibility which can result in improved performance whether you’re playing sports or just doing everyday tasks around the house. 

Massive Return Of Regenerative Blood Supply

A big benefit of localized cryotherapy is that it provides an immediate return of regenerative blood supply when rewarming. This occurs quickly after a session application.This means that your body will be able to recover more quickly from whatever activity caused fatigue or soreness in the first place! 


Localized cryotherapy is a revolutionary process that has been proven to help unlock your body’s healing potential by flushing tissue of fluid and waste rapidly, reducing inflammation, improving range of motion, and giving massive returns from regenerative blood supply when rewarming occurs quickly after. If you’re looking for an easy way to increase performance while reducing recovery time then give (LC) a try today! You won’t regret it!

Want more info? Want to Book Now? Click Here for our locations page 

What Is CryoSlimming?

What Is CryoSlimming? 

Are you looking for an effective way to slim down and eliminate stubborn fat without going under the knife? Cryoskin may be the best option for you!. This non-invasive treatment uses hot/cold massage techniques to help you quickly, safely, and effectively achieve your desired body goals. Let’s take a closer look at what exactly CryoSlimming is and how it works. 

How Do CryoSlimming Treatments Work? 

The CryoSlimming treatment uses a process called,  cryolipolysis (fat freezing) that destroys the fat cells. Your technician will use a handheld wand to warm the treated area for two minutes, bringing subcutaneous fat cells toward the skin’s surface. The skin is then rapidly cooled to 0º- -4Cº for 13 minutes, triggering cellular death (aka apoptosis) without harming the surrounding tissue. Over the next two weeks, your lymphatic system naturally flushes the destroyed fat cells through your lymphatic system. You may also feel more thirsty and have to pee more often.

With a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise, and water intake, clients see results much faster and feel great in the process. Being consistent with before and aftercare between treatments will provide long-lasting results.

Benefits of CryoSlimming Treatments

The main benefit of CryoSlimming is that it’s non-invasive and free from side effects. Unlike other treatments like liposuction or coolsculpting there’s no risk involved with Cryoskin treatments—just quick results that last! CryoSlimming can be performed in all areas of the body that contain pinchable fat except breast tissue. 

CryoSlimming treats are perfect for those who struggle with losing stubborn fat with diet and exercise alone. The best results are shown after a minimum of 6 treatments, being on a consistent treatment schedule combined with aftercare protocols such as, WBC, red light therapy, vibration and compression therapy have been shown to enhance and provide faster results.

Additional benefits may include radiant-looking skin, inch loss, and increased confidence! Sign up today


CryoSlimming is an excellent choice for those who want slimmer figures without surgery or invasive procedures. With just one 30-40 minute session, you can start seeing visible results with zero downtime making it an ideal choice for busy individuals who want fast results without taking too much time out of their day! If you’re looking for a simple and effective  way to slim down without risk or hassle, then CryoSlimming treatments may be just what you need! Give it a try today!

What is Whole Body Cryotherapy? 

What is Whole Body Cryotherapy? 

Have you heard of cryotherapy but not sure what it is? It’s a process where your body is exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a few minutes to help improve circulation, reduce inflammation, speed up recovery time after workouts, and more. But how does it work? Let’s dive into what Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is and why people are turning to it. 

How Does WBC Work? 

During the treatment, you will enter a chamber filled with cold air (-130 to -180 degrees Fahrenheit) for 2 to 3.5 minutes. You will be wearing minimal clothing (generally just a tank top and shorts for women and shorts for men), so your skin can feel the cold. The cold air lowers the skin temperature which triggers your body’s natural response of releasing endorphins and hormones that activate healing processes in the body. This helps improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and provide pain relief from muscle soreness or other injuries. In addition, because the chamber is made up of oxygenated dry air, you won’t experience shivering or goosebumps like you would with an ice bath or immersion technique. 

Benefits of WBC 

The list of benefits associated with WBC is long – from reducing inflammation and improving circulation to increasing alertness and energy levels, as well as, helping promote mental clarity and emotional balance.. As far as beauty benefits go, WBC helps detoxify skin cells while increasing collagen production leading to improved skin tone and texture over time. 


Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) has become increasingly popular among athletes due to its ability to reduce inflammation in muscles, improve recovery time after workouts, decrease pain from injuries, etc.. However, its benefits extend beyond athletes as this therapy has been found to help with everything from providing emotional balance and mental clarity while promoting healthier looking skin over time! If you have been curious about trying cryotherapy or want more information on how it may be able to help you reach your health/fitness/beauty goals then find a center near you today!

Want more info? Learn More Here.

Want to Book Now? Available Centers for Whole Body Cryotherapy: 



Your New Way to Heal – US Cryotherapy

Headshot Photo 1

Tell us about yourself

I worked in sales, marketing, and market access for over two decades in Big Pharma. In 2010, my father encouraged our family (me and two brothers) to start the WBC industry in the US after having experienced the technology in Europe. We pioneered the therapies in the US through our flagship facility opened in Northern CA in April of 2011, and have grown (as a bootstrapped family-run business) year over year, as has the overall industry.

I am inspired to provide access to these services and continue to educate on the benefits of treating the body with cold therapy to improve the function of the immune system and reduce the whole body and acute inflammation while improving mood, energy, skin, and sleep. The body’s natural recovery responses are superior to medical or pharmaceutical alternatives. We encourage people nationwide to feel better and recover faster, naturally.

What’s your biggest accomplishment as a business owner?

My greatest accomplishment was founding an industry, creating awareness for new technology, and expanding on a lean, bootstrapped business model in hindsight. To have been in business for over ten years as a leader (US Cryotherapy brand) in this nascent and emerging industry is significant.

In one way or another, the entire industry has been modeled off of our family’s original business plan. While we would like to expand faster with more units around the country, we have executed our plan well. We are proud of our system, customers, and employees to be recognized as a health, wellness, and elite recovery brand.

What’s one of the hardest things that comes with being a business owner?

Business development, marketing, awareness, education, and growth are all very challenging for small businesses, especially amidst a pandemic that has significantly impacted consumer interactions and an inflationary economy that affects consumer spending.

What are the top tips you’d give to anyone looking to start, run and grow a business today?

  1. Focus on the business plan in preparation for the beginning.
  2. Research your industry, and know every opportunity and pitfall.
  3. Reserve subsidy capital at every stage of growth.
  4. Be sure you have proof of concept before planning expansion.
  5. And constantly evaluate market trends, customer acquisition strategy, and operational excellence.

Where can people find you and your business?




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