Back to School: Enhance Your Athletic Recovery, Wellbeing, and Optimize Performance with US Cryotherapy

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, student-athletes everywhere are gearing up for another exciting season of sports. Whether you’re returning to the field, court, pool, pitch, or track, it’s crucial to prioritize your recovery and performance optimization and thermoregulate your body to ensure you start the year strong. At US Cryotherapy, we offer a variety of advanced treatments designed to help you recover faster, reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance your overall athletic performance and wellbeing.

Why Recovery Matters
Recovery is a vital aspect of any training regimen. Without proper recovery, your body can’t repair itself effectively, leading to fatigue, increased risk of injury, and suboptimal performance. As a student-athlete, balancing school, training, and competitions can be challenging, making it even more essential to incorporate effective recovery strategies into your routine.

Enhance Recovery with US Cryotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) is a cutting-edge treatment that exposes your body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period. This exposure stimulates blood circulation, reduces inflammation, and promotes faster healing of muscles and joints. By incorporating WBC into your routine, you can experience:

1. Reduced Muscle Soreness: Say goodbye to lingering soreness after intense workouts or games.
2. Decreased Inflammation: Accelerate your body’s natural healing process and reduce inflammation.
3. Improved Energy Levels: Feel revitalized and ready to tackle your next training session.

Targeted Cold Therapy

In addition to WBC, we offer localized targeted cold therapy, which focuses on specific areas of your body that need extra attention. This treatment is ideal for addressing acute injuries, reducing swelling, and alleviating pain in targeted regions, allowing you to recover more efficiently.

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy (RLT) is a non-invasive treatment that uses red and near-infrared light to penetrate deep into the skin, promoting cellular repair and reducing inflammation. RLT can help improve muscle and joint recovery, enhance circulation, and even boost skin health, giving you that extra edge on and off the field.

Compression Therapy

Compression therapy involves using specialized garments to apply controlled pressure to your muscles. This pressure helps improve blood flow, reduce muscle fatigue, and prevent buildup of lactic acid. Compression stimulates the Lymphatic system for drainage which can significantly increase the repair cycle activated with other US Cryotherapy modalities. Incorporating regular compression therapy into your routine can help you perform at your best.

Infrared Sauna Therapy

Infrared saunas use infrared light to generate heat, which penetrates deep into your muscles and joints. This therapy promotes relaxation, reduces muscle stiffness, and enhances circulation. An infrared sauna session can be a perfect way to unwind after a long day of training and classes, helping you feel rejuvenated and ready for your next challenge.

Optimize Performance with US Cryotherapy
Beyond recovery, our treatments at US Cryotherapy are designed to optimize your overall athletic performance. By incorporating our therapies into your routine, you can experience:

1. Enhanced Range of Motion: Improved flexibility and mobility, allowing for better performance during training and competition.

2. Increased Endurance: Boosted stamina and endurance levels, helping you stay strong throughout your games and practices.

3. Better Sleep: Improved sleep quality, which is essential for muscle recovery and overall well-being.

4. Reduced Stress: Lowered stress levels, allowing you to stay focused and perform at your peak.

Back to School Special: Student-Athlete Discounts
Take advantage of our discounted packages and experience the benefits of our advanced recovery and performance optimization treatments. Visit our website or contact your nearest US Cryotherapy center to learn more and book your appointment today.

As you prepare to head back to school and dive into your sports season, remember that recovery and performance optimization are key to achieving your athletic goals. At US Cryotherapy, we’re here to support you every step of the way with our wide range of effective and proven treatments. Enhance your recovery, boost your performance, stay on the field or court and avoid micro trauma from becoming macro injuries. Start the school year strong with US Cryotherapy.

About US Cryotherapy
US Cryotherapy is the leader in advanced whole-body recovery and optimization, offering a variety of treatment modalities to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. With over 5 million safe and effective treatments administered, we are the gold standard in cryotherapy and recovery. Visit our website to learn more about our services and find a location near you.

Ready to take your recovery and performance to the next level? Book your appointment today and experience the benefits of US Cryotherapy’s advanced treatments. Don’t forget to ask about our discounts for student-athletes!

Beat the Heat with Cold Therapy: Understanding Thermoregulation

How Cold Therapy Helps with Thermoregulation
Summer heat can be overwhelming, leading to discomfort and potential health risks. At US Cryotherapy, we offer innovative cold therapy solutions that can help you beat the heat and stay cool. Understanding thermoregulation—the body’s ability to maintain its internal temperature—can shed light on how cold therapy works and why it’s beneficial. Let’s explore the science behind thermoregulation and how cold therapy can help you stay cool and refreshed during the hottest months.

What is Thermoregulation?
Thermoregulation is the process by which the body maintains its core internal temperature. The human body has a set point, typically around 98.6°F (37°C), that it strives to maintain regardless of external conditions. This balance is crucial for the optimal functioning of bodily systems. When the external temperature rises, the body employs various mechanisms, such as sweating and increased blood flow to the skin, to dissipate heat and cool down.

How Cold Therapy Supports Thermoregulation
Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, involves exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for short periods. This exposure triggers a range of physiological responses that aid in cooling the body and promoting overall well-being. Here’s how cold therapy can support thermoregulation:

Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation: Cold therapy causes blood vessels to constrict (vasoconstriction), reducing blood flow to the skin and extremities. This helps retain heat within the body’s core. Once the cold exposure ends, the vessels dilate (vasodilation), enhancing blood flow and promoting a cooling effect.

Reduced Inflammation: Heat can cause inflammation and swelling, especially after physical activity. Cold therapy reduces inflammation, helping the body recover more quickly and efficiently.

Enhanced Recovery: Athletes often use cold therapy to accelerate muscle recovery. By reducing muscle temperature and inflammation, cryotherapy can help athletes cool down faster and recover from intense workouts.

Benefits of Cold Therapy During Summer
Using cold therapy during the summer months can provide a range of benefits beyond basic thermoregulation:

1. Immediate Cooling: Cryotherapy sessions provide instant relief from the heat, offering a quick and effective way to cool down.

2. Improved Sleep: High temperatures can disrupt sleep patterns. Cold therapy can help lower your body temperature, promoting better sleep quality.

3. Increased Energy: Exposure to cold temperatures can boost energy levels and improve overall mood, helping you stay active and motivated during hot days.

4. Skin Health: Cold therapy can tighten pores and reduce sweat production, helping your skin stay fresh and clear despite the heat.

How to Incorporate Cold Therapy into Your Routine
Incorporating cold therapy into your routine is simple and can be tailored to your specific needs:

1. Whole Body Cryotherapy: Visit a US Cryotherapy center for a whole-body cryotherapy session. These sessions typically last between 2-3:30 minutes and expose your body to temperatures as low as -180°F.

2. Localized Cryotherapy: For targeted relief, consider localized cryotherapy. This method focuses on specific areas, such as joints or muscles, providing concentrated cooling.

3. At-Home Cold Therapy: Incorporate ice baths or cold showers into your routine for a convenient and effective way to enjoy the benefits of cold therapy at home.

Beating the heat and staying cool during the summer is essential for maintaining your health and well-being. Cold therapy offers a powerful and effective solution by supporting your body’s thermoregulation processes. Whether through whole-body sessions, localized treatments, or at-home methods, incorporating cold therapy into your routine can help you stay cool, energized, and ready to enjoy the summer to the fullest. Visit US Cryotherapy to learn more about how cold therapy can benefit you. Stay cool and refreshed all summer long!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How often should I undergo cold therapy sessions during the summer? The frequency of cold therapy sessions can vary depending on individual needs and goals. For general cooling and recovery, 2-3 sessions per week are typically sufficient. Consult with a US Cryotherapy specialist for personalized recommendations.

Q2: Is cold therapy safe for everyone? Cold therapy is generally safe for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions, such as severe cardiovascular diseases or cold allergies, should consult with a healthcare provider before starting cold therapy.

Q3: Can I combine cold therapy with other cooling methods? Yes, cold therapy can be combined with other cooling methods, such as staying hydrated, wearing lightweight clothing, and avoiding direct sunlight. These combined efforts can enhance your overall ability to stay cool during the summer.

Q4: What should I wear during a cryotherapy session? During whole-body cryotherapy sessions, you should wear minimal clothing to expose as much skin as possible to the cold. Typically, clients wear shorts, a sports bra (for women), socks, gloves, and protective footwear.

Q5: How soon can I expect to feel the benefits of cold therapy? Many people feel immediate relief and a sense of refreshment after a single cold therapy session. For long-term benefits, regular sessions are recommended to support ongoing thermoregulation and recovery.

Use your HSA or FSA at US Cryotherapy

US Cryotherapy makes empowering your wellness easy and affordable. We now have even more options tailored to your specific needs, including using your HSA and/or FSA affiliated with your insurance plan.

Process your payment at any of our centers or e-store for any US Cryotherapy wellness plan or service. Using your HSA or FSA at our center is as simple as using any other payment method*.

To avoid the rare instance of any challenges to using your HSA or FSA, consider the following:

  • Check with your insurance carrier to determine if they require documentation for US Cryotherapy treatment eligibility as an expense on your plan.  Some insurance companies require a prescription or letter of medical necessity from your doctor.
  • Check with your tax advisor for any tax deduction questions or concerns as US Cryotherapy does not provide tax advice.
*Please keep in mind, while we can process your payment through your HSA or FSA card, there’s no guarantee the insurance carrier will reimburse you or that you’ll receive the tax deduction.


US Cryotherapy keeps semi-pro athlete on the field

Semi-pro football player Jose Villanueva didn’t know how good he had it when he first experienced US Cryotherapy. At the time, he was injury free, pain-free and competent on the field.

“After that first treatment, I felt amazing,” he said. “Unfortunately, I didn’t follow through. I’m sure things would have been different if I had.”

Fast forward a few years and two injuries.

“I believe my recovery time would have been cut in half had I used US Cryotherapy then,” Jose said of the first injury, a torn achilles that kept him off the field for several months.

His recovery routine for that injury consisted of ice baths and pain medication, which barely touched the pain and did nothing for inflammation, Jose said.

When he injured his knee soon after, Jose decided to empower his wellness and recovery with US Cryotherapy. It paid off, he said.

“With this knee injury – incorporating cryotherapy – I was back out on the feild in two weeks instead of six weeks as doctors predicted,” he said. “That’s because I did the right steps with US Cryotherapy, including consistent whole-body treatments, localized treatments and NormaTec.”

Jose continues to use US Cryotherapy three to five times a week for maintenance, injury prevention and performance enhancement.

“If I didn’t have US Cryotherapy, I would not be the athlete I am right now,” Jose said. “I wouldn’t be on the field today, plain and simple.”


First time? Your whole-body cryotherapy questions answered

Cold air therapy in the whole-body chamber uses dry, oxygenated air, so you won’t experience shivering, goosebumps or other reactions that you might associate with being cold. Because of this technology, unlike an ice bath or immersion, cryotherapy is not painful. In fact, your body will be more mobile and flexible during – and after – your whole-body cryotherapy treatment.


First-time cryotherapy users generally start with a 2-minute or 2 minute 30 second treatment. Treatments longer than 3 minutes 30 seconds aren’t necessary or any more effective. What’s most important is your skin temperature difference post-treatment. A technician will gauge your skin temperature before and after in order to ensure an optimum treatment experience. Individuals, based on BMI and vascularity, respond differently to cold and skin temperatures will vary.


Unlike water or ice treatments, whole-body cryotherapy users experience full range of motion in muscles and joints post-treatment. With ice baths or icing, joints remain stiff for hours after. Even if you don’t like being cold, this process will rejuvenate your body, skin and mind.


Most of our facilities have been fitted with treatment rooms that accommodate two or four people at a time. Often, friends, teammates and family members experience this treatment together, even making their US Cryotherapy visits a part of family time, team-building, date nights and even bonding among co-workers. Our technicians also love joining first-timers and veterans alike for a chamber treatment.


No. The chamber doors are incapable of locking, and you can easily exit the chamber at any time before your treatment ends.


We’ll provide a Cryo Kit for your experience that will include headwear, footwear, a mask and gloves. For optimum treatment, we recommend men wear comfortable shorts and remove shirts or wear tank tops. For women, we recommend comfortable shorts and a sports bra or tank top for maximum skin exposure. Ultimately, what you wear during your treatment is determined by your comfort level and desire for optimum treatment. Our facilities happily provide loaner shorts and tank tops and t-shirts when needed.


Get started on your empowered wellness journey. Visit a location near you.







Farmer uses US Cryotherapy to stop the clock

When Erik Freese’s body fails, so does his business. Owning a farm means putting in hours of hard physical labor – whether your body is sore, hurt, in pain or otherwise suffering, Freese said.

“What I do for a living is pretty straining,” Freese said. “In agriculture, you’re constantly lifting, moving stuff in a repetitive fashion and you’re rarely paying attention to proper form, so you’re constantly moving and working in pain after a while.”

Since Erik discovered US Cryotherapy more than a year ago, those sore muscles and chronic pain have been greatly reduced, he said.

“As you do get older, you don’t recover as quickly. Things you used to be able to do, you can’t do as often or as consistent,” said Freese, who recovers through whole-body cryotherapy, localized treatments and TheraGun several times a week. “After a hard day’s work, I hit cryotherapy and it does alleviate those issues. It doesn’t turn the clock back, but it does stop it.”


Empower your wellness. Find a location near you and schedule your appointment today. 

US Cryotherapy provides whole body relief, recovery and rejuvenation using the most advanced technology in holistic healthcare and recovery. 


Strong Fitness Magazine: nitrogen vs electric cryotherapy

Strong Fitness Magazine explores the important differences between nitrogen-based cryotherapy treatments and electric cold air whole-body cryotherapy, as offered by US Cryotherapy.

Pick up a copy of the March issue to read more on why choosing US Cryotherapy for your relief, recovery and rejuvenation is the safest and most affordable option in the industry.

