In any new alternative healthcare modality skeptics fall back on clinical evidence, or lack of, for not supporting legitimate outcomes. Our US Cryotherapy team has decades of experience in healthcare, from traditional to alternative.
We understand clinical outcomes and believe in science and its ability to prove truth. Likewise, we understand the value and need for innovation through technology. Why? Because we consistently see the outcomes of science and technology daily through the clients we serve.
It’s impossible to deny real-life results we’ve seen in close to 1 million treatments one the last seven years. No other cryotherapy treatment provider matches US Cryotherapy’s commitment to safety, affordability or effectiveness for empowered wellness.
From athletes to chronic pain sufferers to pre- and post-surgery patients, our results prove that electric cold air whole-body cryotherapy is the missing link in fast, effective recovery and healing. Below are just a few of the empowering results we’ve been able to offer our clients.

Experience relief, recovery and rejuvenation today at one of our 22 locations.