Use your HSA or FSA at US Cryotherapy

US Cryotherapy makes empowering your wellness easy and affordable. We now have even more options tailored to your specific needs, including using your HSA and/or FSA affiliated with your insurance plan.

Process your payment at any of our centers or e-store for any US Cryotherapy wellness plan or service. Using your HSA or FSA at our center is as simple as using any other payment method*.

To avoid the rare instance of any challenges to using your HSA or FSA, consider the following:

  • Check with your insurance carrier to determine if they require documentation for US Cryotherapy treatment eligibility as an expense on your plan.  Some insurance companies require a prescription or letter of medical necessity from your doctor.
  • Check with your tax advisor for any tax deduction questions or concerns as US Cryotherapy does not provide tax advice.
*Please keep in mind, while we can process your payment through your HSA or FSA card, there’s no guarantee the insurance carrier will reimburse you or that you’ll receive the tax deduction.