Industry Updates

There has been steady growth of Cryotherapy awareness (Alternative Healthcare) since we (US Cryotherapy) started the industry in 2011 in Roseville, CA. Today, there are Cryo centers in most major cities. Consumers however have not been educated on the two different types of cryo to fully understand the differences. There are US Cryotherapy Centers (22 nationwide by August of 2017) which are complete wellness and recovery centers with whole body walk-in chambers – exposure to the entire body in fresh-air systems using refrigeration technology, and there are many independent Liquid Nitrogen Sauna locations in small boutique spaces. Why expose your body to hazardous gas and trust the misconceptions of higher (or colder) nitrogen temperatures? Why pay outrageous prices for individual partial body treatments? Experience the safest, most clinically substantiated, green, affordable therapy in a wellness center with a proven and trusted service model, available nationwide. Oxygen is good… Nitrogen bad. US Cryotherapy offers localized spot treatments, Hyrdromassage, facial rejuvenation, Normatec compression and other recovery treatments all packaged into a price affording our customers routine visits for Lifestyle changes as opposed to occasionally as a novelty experience. You don’t expect results from the gym twice a month right? We’ve administered over 650,000 treatments (13,000 monthly nationwide) without an adverse incident. More to come on the clinical differences between US Cryotherapy’s whole body (WBC) vs. nitrogen partial body (PBC)……