
Back to School: Enhance Your Athletic Recovery, Wellbeing, and Optimize Performance with US Cryotherapy

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, student-athletes everywhere are gearing up for another exciting season of sports. Whether you’re returning to the field, court, pool, pitch, or track, it’s crucial to prioritize your recovery and performance optimization and thermoregulate your body to ensure you start the year strong. At US Cryotherapy, we […]

Beat the Heat with Cold Therapy: Understanding Thermoregulation

How Cold Therapy Helps with ThermoregulationSummer heat can be overwhelming, leading to discomfort and potential health risks. At US Cryotherapy, we offer innovative cold therapy solutions that can help you beat the heat and stay cool. Understanding thermoregulation—the body’s ability to maintain its internal temperature—can shed light on how cold therapy works and why it’s […]